We have finished our puzzle
I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 6 and my Teacher is Miss Down.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
In class we have been learning algebra. Some of the questions we have been asked were:
r10= rx10
r10= rx10
Monday, 10 December 2018
In math we have been learning Geometry. Within the topic we have crossed by symmetry. We were told to make a presentation about it.
Jesse Tree
The starting of advent is when we all come together. Every year at the last week of school we have a Jesse tree and we have prayers. The year 5's give goals for the school to do.
Christmas Cans
Every year Good Shepherd School has given food to a charity. This year we are giving our love to St Vincent Paul.
Eating Edible Bugs
🐛 Eating Edible Insects 🐛
I am learning to persuade my audience using persuasive writing and emotive words.
By: Trisha Raman
Waiter, I’ll have Mealworms in a takeaway box! Did you know that most restaurants have insects on their menu? From China to Japan, Mexico and many more countries eat bugs.
Your first impression on this is probably “yuck, disgusting”. But most people who have tried insects have not liked but loved them. I believe that bugs can be good in many ways. Such as an easy snack that makes you stronger and healthier.
Did you know insects are high in protein. Bugs might look disgusting, but their really healthy. The benefits for eating bugs are endless! Here are some main points. People have used Insects for weight loss, energy and to get their body stronger. The most healthiest Insect is the beetle with low fat and vitamins and minerals. A single caterpillar has more protein by weight then a turkey leg. Bugs are just so healthy. Eating Insects are better than your normal and average meal. Making your own bug meals or snacks are just as fun as they are healthy for you.
Sorpion lollipops, mealworm fries, chocolate covered crickets. These are all a good snacks for you. Did you know that the red skittle you had has some bugs in it? Most red candy or foods has cochineal, which is commonly used to make red dye. But this is no ordinary dye. It is made with the insides of an insects. 80% of the population actually like eating Insects. The snacks are just the beginning for the meals.
Crunch! Snap! Crack! That was the taste of a bugtacular meal. From grasshopper bacon bites to a big beetle feast. But how do they make these delicious spreads? The most commonly used bug for a meal is a cricket. Fancy restaurants have a very delicate taste for bugs. There are around 500 or more ways to make meals made with bugs. Did you know that the most common handmade food is meal-worm fries. Worms are fried to make a crunchy texture.
So from my opion I think that most people should eat or either try bugs. The flavour and crunchiness is just waiting for you. These insects are not only healthy but are meals and easy snacks. My goal for you is go eat at least two bugs. As they say love, eat and enjoy.
Friday, 30 November 2018
IN our passport tasks. I have chosen to make a slideshow about a old New Zealand band.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Year Books!
NEWS FLASH! The New Good Shepherd Yearbook for 2018 is here! Take a look at all the work
we’ve done this year. What a year we had. Take a look!
we’ve done this year. What a year we had. Take a look!
Monday, 19 November 2018
Room 6's Prayers
Week 5 and 6 were busy for Room 6 we presented our assembly in week 5
and had whole school prayers on Monday, Week 6. Our theme for prayers was community,
compassion, and discipleship. This was inspired as we approach christmas and start to think
about others and those who are in need of help. Our Reading was 1 John 3:16-18, we
also presented a song that we put lyrical dances moves to our song was: So will I, by Hillsong.
This is the song: So will I. BE A CHANGE BE YOU.
and had whole school prayers on Monday, Week 6. Our theme for prayers was community,
compassion, and discipleship. This was inspired as we approach christmas and start to think
about others and those who are in need of help. Our Reading was 1 John 3:16-18, we
also presented a song that we put lyrical dances moves to our song was: So will I, by Hillsong.
This is the song: So will I. BE A CHANGE BE YOU.
Friday, 16 November 2018
St. Joseph
Our focus this term in Religious Education was the Communion of Saints.
We learnt about the three parts of the Communion of Saints and how we are all connected.
The Communion of Saints is bonded through prayer, baptism and the Eucharist.
As part of our studies we researched and created a slide show that explored a live of a Saint.
Room 6's Assembly
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
Week 5 was non stop for Room 6 with athletics, kapa haka and irish dancing. But it was also our final assembly for the year, and for some of us our final assembly at Good Shepherd School. This was the perfect time for us to share some of our talents and learning. We had been focusing on New Zealand music through our passport tasks so it was only fitting to pick a kiwi classic; Six Months in a Leaky Boat by Split Enz (written in 1982). We sung along to the words and put some of groovy moves together to create a dance. Throughout the year one of our favourite activities was reading Chris Gurney’s books during book week. Chris has written so many wonderful and humourous traditional tales with a kiwi voice. We absolutely adore her books, so for our assembly we presented a Readers Theatre: Trev and the Kauri Tree.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
My Inspiring Person
My inspiring person is St.Joseph. I am inspired because he was a loyal, kind, honest and caring person.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Communion Of Saints
For R.E we have been learning about how we are all connected to Purgatory and Heaven. So we were split into 3 groups. One group was the living the second was Heaven and the third was Purgatory. When all of them are formed together they form God.
Monday, 29 October 2018
In Writing, we have been learning to write persuasive piece of writing. We have co-constructed our success criteria together. Here is our introduction criteria checklist.
o Title: Clearly states what you are going to be talking about
Example: Eating Edible Bugs
o Hook: A way to pull your audience in (possibly a rhetorical question, weird and wacky fact or setting a scene).
Example: Are you sick and tired of the same old meal every single night, run out of inspiration for dinner ideas and the family just don’t appreciate your hard work around dinner? Well now you can add the crunch back into your evening meals with interesting and creative dinner ideas.
o Clearly stating what your topic is about / Statement
Example: I believe that everyone should cook with insects.
I believe… I think… I strongly recommend… In my opinion… that all people should eat insects
o Background information: Use broad interest facts
Example: When people hear of others eating bugs they normally screw up their face and say, “Yuck!” But did you know most people who try insects actually end enjoying them. My challenge for you today is to try insect.
o Lead in sentence to your paragraphs (at the end)
There are many reasons why we should eat insects in our diet such as bug are healthy and low in fat, tasty fun treats and you be creative with recipes from all over the world.
o Title: Clearly states what you are going to be talking about
Example: Eating Edible Bugs
o Hook: A way to pull your audience in (possibly a rhetorical question, weird and wacky fact or setting a scene).
Example: Are you sick and tired of the same old meal every single night, run out of inspiration for dinner ideas and the family just don’t appreciate your hard work around dinner? Well now you can add the crunch back into your evening meals with interesting and creative dinner ideas.
o Clearly stating what your topic is about / Statement
Example: I believe that everyone should cook with insects.
I believe… I think… I strongly recommend… In my opinion… that all people should eat insects
o Background information: Use broad interest facts
Example: When people hear of others eating bugs they normally screw up their face and say, “Yuck!” But did you know most people who try insects actually end enjoying them. My challenge for you today is to try insect.
o Lead in sentence to your paragraphs (at the end)
There are many reasons why we should eat insects in our diet such as bug are healthy and low in fat, tasty fun treats and you be creative with recipes from all over the world.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Communion Of Saint's
In Religious Education we have been learning about All Saint's Day and All Soul's Day. In our class we had made a weave talking about Purgatory, Heaven and Earth.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
In Room 6 we were learning about Maori and we had to make a presentation on how to make a Hangi.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Cultural Week
Last week Good Shepherd School celebrated all the different cultures that we celebrated with a cultural celebration assembly that was held last friday. The cultures were: Korean, Spanish, Brazilian, Filipino, French, Japanese, Indian and German
Problem Solving Challenge
This Year a whole bunch of Different students did the problem solving test, including me.
It was hard but it was good to take the challenge and complete the test in only 30 minutes!
It was hard but it was good to take the challenge and complete the test in only 30 minutes!
Friday, 21 September 2018
Code Club
For the past 7 weeks we have been doing Scratch. Making games and quiz's. Today is our last session, My favourite coding was the Lost In Space.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Mystery Letter
In Code Club this week, we made a Ransom Note using Trinket. Here is my Ransom Note
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Author Visit
Yesterday, Room 6 met a New Zealand famous author Raymond Huber, he talk to us about his books and his passion for bees, we got to sing one of his very own songs and he answered the questions and awaited to be answered. We were so lucky to meet Raymond Huber and his stories.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
In Reading, we were reading all about birds and their different beaks, feet and tails and they are all different sizes, we got to mix up different beaks,feet and tails to make a bird of our own!
Monday, 10 September 2018
In Room 6, we painted crosses that are going on our tennis courts, learnt how to flat block and the crosses are supposed to a Religious meaning that can be seen easily.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Monday, 13 August 2018
St Mary Mackillop Feast Day
Yesterday was the feast day of Saint Mary Mackillop. We started our day attending our parish mass to celebrate her feast day as a whole community. All the students came back from mass to continue the celebrations by joining our buddy class. Room 4 and 6 together came together to work on paper dolls of ourselves. We know St Mary of the Cross always supported and helped all the children in need. We made a large St Mary MacKillop and we placed all out paper dolls of ourselves around her. Then we were all very lucky to receive a free sausage sizzle from the PTA to continue the celebrations at lunch. In the afternoon we then got to go and play a range of fun games with our buddy class. This was such a fun day working along each other but most of all having fun. Happy Saint Mary MacKillop Feast Day.
Here is our mural…
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
In Maori we have been learning about a Whakatauki
A Whakatauki is a proverb, what is truly valued in the Maori Culture.
The Whakatauki that we have been learning about is if we all shared then no one would go without.
We would be able to provide for all that come to us.
There are also Proverbs in the Bible that encourage us to share.
Read these proverbs : Proverbs 19:17; 22:9; 31:20.
Jesus also showed us the teachings of God when he feed the multitudes of people with the fish and the loaves. Read more about this in the Gospel of John: 6 or the Gospel of Matth4.
Evolution Verterbrates
In Room 6 we have been learning to classify animals. Scientists classify animals and plants into groups in order to easily identify, sort, and name them.
Classify = Sort
There are many ways to group living organisms.
You can classify animals into two main groups. Vertebrates or invertebrates.
All vertebrates have

Classify = Sort
There are many ways to group living organisms.
You can classify animals into two main groups. Vertebrates or invertebrates.
All vertebrates have

- Covering of skin that protects them
- Skeleton inside their body
- Muscles that help he move
- Blood moves through tubes
- Lungs or gills for breathing
- 90% of all animals are invertebrates!
- Tend to be small because they do not have a back bone.
- Many live in the ocean because the water helps support their weight.
- Some have a hard covering or shell on the outside of their bodies for protection
Friday, 27 July 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Figurative Language
Idiom, hyperbole, alliteration, metaphor, onomatopoeia, similes and personification. These are all language features which we call figurative language. In reading we have been learning about these language features and how authors used them in their writing to make their work engaging and add interest for their audience. We made posters either with paper pencils or flowers with examples and definitions of the language feature.Here is our figurative language poster.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Last week Good Shepherd School performed, ‘Zip Zip Zap Avenue’. We packed the school hall with our family and friends as the rain fell. Most of GSS students were in the holding classrooms covered in make-up and sitting in our toy costumes.
Zip Zip Zap Avenue is a about a Toy Shop that comes alive once one of the main characters, the Shopkeeper closed up the shop and turned off the light. The toys would then come alive when all the people were asleep, like the the families that visited the toyshop looking for the perfect gifts. This certain night at the toyshop the celebration was for Buzz the Bee, he had left the shelf of the toy shop and all his friends came out to celebrate him with dances. The main toy friends were Thing 1, Thing 2, Tiki, Spiderman, Cabbage Patch Doll, Woody, Strawberry Shortcake, and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. The main characters introduced the classes as they came in as their selected toy and danced for buzz.
The first dance was the boys and girls of Room 3 and 4 who were transformers, this was a great and powerful way to start the show. Room 5 then twirled onto the stage as Barbie and Ken dancing to Barbie girl. Things got a little spooky as the trolls of Room 7 came out in the middle of the night to the song Thriller. We weren’t too scared for long as the fairies in Room 3 and 4 came out dancing away in their gorgeous fair dresses. And just when you thought things couldn’t get any cuter the teddy bears from Room 1 and 2 went on their teddy bear picnic. Room 8 then showed us what teamwork is with their awesome lego outfit and very cool song … Everything is awesome! Next up were the Kiwi toy, with great costumes for the kiwi birds and the wonderful performance of the Poi Dancers. And finally it was our turn, Room 6 spun onto the stage as Rubix Cubes dancing to You Spin Me Right Around.
It was a fantastic experience for us all, we learnt a lot about performing and all the work that goes on in the background. We was a wonderful opportunity and it wouldn’t of been possible without the support of everyone working together just like the lego blocks.
Book Week!
It's week 8 and it is the bookworms favourite week of the year! Book week! A lot of things happened this week. The library was jam packed full of books and other cool stuff like pencils and rubbers, authors and poets were visiting the school, the book parade was on Friday where we were able to show off our costumes of our favourite book character!
Monday saw us in groups competing against one another as we did a literacy quiz! There were 30 questions and three topics. Each question we got right earned us a point! And, we all had to pick a topic where we DOUBLED our points.
Then on Friday, we all dressed up in our favourite book characters, and finished off the week with the book parade! Where we showed off our amazing costumes on the stage.
Monday saw us in groups competing against one another as we did a literacy quiz! There were 30 questions and three topics. Each question we got right earned us a point! And, we all had to pick a topic where we DOUBLED our points.
The next day Tasman Flinn visited the school. We all sat in the hall and sat on the chairs while she showed us her poems and talked about poetry.
Then on Thursday, all of us year 5 and 6's went to Room 2 so we could see Chris Gurney. She talked about her books and how to make a book. And she picked a few volunteers to act out a play, based off her own book called “Cindy And The Lost Jandal” (Miss Down’s favourite book).
Then on Thursday, all of us year 5 and 6's went to Room 2 so we could see Chris Gurney. She talked about her books and how to make a book. And she picked a few volunteers to act out a play, based off her own book called “Cindy And The Lost Jandal” (Miss Down’s favourite book).
Then on Friday, we all dressed up in our favourite book characters, and finished off the week with the book parade! Where we showed off our amazing costumes on the stage.
Seed Crackers
In Room Six we have been learning about how we can stay healthy and have a well balanced diet. For a healthy class treat we made seed crackers.
Here is our recipe Ingredients:
½ cup Sunflower seeds
½ cup Pumpkin seeds
¼ cup Sesame seeds
¼ cup Poppy seeds
¼ cup Linseed/flaxseed seeds
¼ cup chia seeds
½ tsp sea salt
1 cup water
1 sprinkle of flaky sea salt, to sprinkle
Heat oven to 170C. Place all the seeds and the salt in a bowl, pour in water and mix to combine. Leave for 15 minutes for the chia and flax seeds to soften and bind everything together. Tip out onto a baking paper-lined oven tray and spread out as thin as possible (around 4mm thick) and sprinkle with some flaky sea salt. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and slice into crackers, then return to the oven to cook for another 20-30 minutes until crisp and golden. Remove to a rack to cool then store in an airtight container. Now your crackers are ready to eat.
On the last week of school we are going to be having a Healthy Food Party - Veggie Con on Monday the 2nd July, everybody will bring healthy food for us to eat as a shared lunch.
Check out our blogs for family favourites or healthy recipes we searched.
Bee Show
The Royal Jelly
On Tuesday 29 of May the whole of Good Shepherd gathered in the hall to watch a show called “The Royal Jelly”. It gave us a lot of facts about bees and was really funny. Also three students were lucky enough to participate in the show answering questions from the “mayor”. Over all the show was fun and interesting and we all learned a lot.
On Tuesday 29 of May the whole of Good Shepherd gathered in the hall to watch a show called “The Royal Jelly”. It gave us a lot of facts about bees and was really funny. Also three students were lucky enough to participate in the show answering questions from the “mayor”. Over all the show was fun and interesting and we all learned a lot.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Feta, Tomato And Spinach Toastie
Feta, Tomato And
Spinach Toastie
4 slices whole-grain or gluten-free bread of choice
1 tomato, sliced
Freshly ground black pepper
80g reduced -fat feta, crumbled
30g baby spinach leaves
½ teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
How to make it:
Preheat a sandwich press or jaffle maker.
Place to slices of bread on a board top with the tomato,
Pepper, feta and baby spinach leaves. Drizzle with a little olive oil and sandwich with the remaining slices of bread.
Cook in a sandwich press or jaffle maker until the bread is golden and the cheese has melted.
(If you don’t have a sandwich press or a jaffle maker just toast it ot make it a normal breakfast sandwich.)
Monday, 11 June 2018
A Well Balanced Diet!
A well balanced diet!
During our health inquiry we have been learning about a well balanced diet. We created a definition using a solo define map. Here is our definition:
A balanced diet is eating the right types of food that gives your body the nutrients to function correctly. To get proper nutrition from your diet you need to eat a healthy diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. You need to eat a well balanced diet to maintain good health and to help you feel your best.
We also have learnt about the food pyramid, proportions, and the eatwell plate.
Here is a picture of my food pyramid which includes the food groups and servings sizes. You must eat a balance of all food groups to maintain good health.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Samoan Language Week
Afio mai to Samoan language Week.
The cultural leaders opened the week with their national costume and dance.
In room 6 we have been exploring the Samoan Cultural with general facts. We searched for our fact card around the room and collected information for our Jigsaw Reading Hunt.
Next our Samoan experts in class gave us a lesson on greetings and phrases in Samoan.
Then we moved onto counting to ten in Samoan for math. Before finishing our math session with a clapping game in Samoan.
The cultural leaders opened the week with their national costume and dance.
In room 6 we have been exploring the Samoan Cultural with general facts. We searched for our fact card around the room and collected information for our Jigsaw Reading Hunt.
Next our Samoan experts in class gave us a lesson on greetings and phrases in Samoan.
Then we moved onto counting to ten in Samoan for math. Before finishing our math session with a clapping game in Samoan.
Monday, 21 May 2018
Camera, Lights, Action
Room 6 presented their learning about not being a bystander at their assembly on Friday week 3.
In week 3 all school around New Zealand made a stand by wearing pink.
PINK stood for Peaceful, Inclusive, Noble and Kind. Our assembly was a success and we all had fun..
In week 3 all school around New Zealand made a stand by wearing pink.
PINK stood for Peaceful, Inclusive, Noble and Kind. Our assembly was a success and we all had fun..
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Maori Verbs
The question is "Kei te aha ia?" which means what is S/he doing ia is the pronoun for both he and she.
We have matched verbs up, filled in crosswords and played Simon Says.
Friday, 11 May 2018
To My Mother

Here is my handprint,
Five fingers in all,
Futside they are short,
But the middle is tall.
You will find them on windows,
You can find them on walls,
They will make a big mess,
For something so small,
One day I will grow,
And leave them no more,
My handprints will be missed,
Of that, I am sure,
So here is one now,
That you can't wipe away,
My present to you,
This Mother's Day.
The Ascension of the Lord
We used crafts to show how Jesus went body and soul to Heaven.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
City Rail Link Art
As part of an art class with Miss Down we created images that will be displayed in the country's busiest rail station, once it opens to the public in 2023/2024.
These images will be used and turned in a ceramic title and display within the station
These images will be used and turned in a ceramic title and display within the station
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Inspirational Heroes
During reading we have been researching people who have faced challenges and have stood up for what they have believed in. They have either been a voice for those that don't have one or are a person who never gave up when facing challenges.
My person is Steve Jobs
Come visit Room 6 to check out my flip presentation of Steve Jobs.
My person is Steve Jobs
Come visit Room 6 to check out my flip presentation of Steve Jobs.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Robot Story
I am learning to: write about what happens before during and after a event.
Whack! Woosh! That’s when Mike heard it behind the bushes, running to see what it was. He was so curious to know, pushing through the bushes and that’s when he saw it. Big red parts! Taking them inside hoping there would be all the parts of a robot so that he could make his very own.
After a day he had made his very own robot. Standing right in front of him was a wonderful creation. His robot was almost as big as his house, he had claws which could pinch like crab feet, and many legs that could help him crawl like a spider to move around. He was giant but didn’t look all that scary. A wire was by the robots back so he plugged it in. Then it said, “hello there, I am Hammy, I am a helping robot.” There was a red button feeling like that it was trouble so he put a sign that said,”don’t touch,” and he hoped no would touch it.
Hammy was helping the whole neighborhood. One month later everyone called Hammy the Robot Helper. But one day a child named Billy was on his bike going down the street and saw Hammy. Billy went up to Hammy and said, “wow are you a robot?” Hammy replied, “yes do you need help with anything?” Slowly getting Billy got off his bike and went closer to Hammy and just realised the red button and he saw the sign but just then Mike came and saw what was happening in the scene so he started running screaming, “ don’t press it! Don’t press it!” But it was to late.
Beep! “Noooooo!” yelled Mike. “Self destruct, self destruct, self destruct,” said Hammy. Mike ran to Hammy pushing Billy and said, “please don’t, not now at least.” “Five, four,” counted down Hammy. Billy had to make a move so he took Mike’s hand and said run and they went behind the walls of a house. BAM! Smoke filled the air. Mike got up and saw the remainings of Hammy. Tears came down his eyes. Billy went quickly to tell the neighborhood. A year later Mike had decided to have a robot funeral for Hammy. But one thing was when you try not to make something which had no heart why make it when you already have had someone with a heart.
Whack! Woosh! That’s when Mike heard it behind the bushes, running to see what it was. He was so curious to know, pushing through the bushes and that’s when he saw it. Big red parts! Taking them inside hoping there would be all the parts of a robot so that he could make his very own.
After a day he had made his very own robot. Standing right in front of him was a wonderful creation. His robot was almost as big as his house, he had claws which could pinch like crab feet, and many legs that could help him crawl like a spider to move around. He was giant but didn’t look all that scary. A wire was by the robots back so he plugged it in. Then it said, “hello there, I am Hammy, I am a helping robot.” There was a red button feeling like that it was trouble so he put a sign that said,”don’t touch,” and he hoped no would touch it.
Hammy was helping the whole neighborhood. One month later everyone called Hammy the Robot Helper. But one day a child named Billy was on his bike going down the street and saw Hammy. Billy went up to Hammy and said, “wow are you a robot?” Hammy replied, “yes do you need help with anything?” Slowly getting Billy got off his bike and went closer to Hammy and just realised the red button and he saw the sign but just then Mike came and saw what was happening in the scene so he started running screaming, “ don’t press it! Don’t press it!” But it was to late.
Beep! “Noooooo!” yelled Mike. “Self destruct, self destruct, self destruct,” said Hammy. Mike ran to Hammy pushing Billy and said, “please don’t, not now at least.” “Five, four,” counted down Hammy. Billy had to make a move so he took Mike’s hand and said run and they went behind the walls of a house. BAM! Smoke filled the air. Mike got up and saw the remainings of Hammy. Tears came down his eyes. Billy went quickly to tell the neighborhood. A year later Mike had decided to have a robot funeral for Hammy. But one thing was when you try not to make something which had no heart why make it when you already have had someone with a heart.
Monday, 9 April 2018
Cyber Safety Rules
Room 6 has been learning about cyber safety.
We have learnt a lot about being a digital citizen.
Here are three key rules that I think are important.
1. Be careful of what you post on the internet. All information and images leave a digital footprint.
2. Never share your personal details such as full name, age, address and passwords with any people who say they know you.
3. Be nice! No one likes a digital bully. Be respectful and be a great digital citizen.
If you are unsure check with an ADULT!
Friday, 6 April 2018
In Room 6 maths class we have been doing statistics investigations. First we learnt about Stem and Leaf graphs and did a fun investigations on sports. We also learnt how to make graphs on Excel. We learnt how to make Pie graphs and different types of Bar graphs. Below are so of the graphs I have made on Excel.

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